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Global Initiatives

SK materials Inc. seeks sustainability by joining global initiatives and strives to practice corporate citizenship. In the future, SK materials will continue to expand major initiatives to solve problems in the international community and to participate in initiatives that can improve the level of sustainable management in the chemical materials industry.

UN Global Compact(유엔글로벌콤팩트, UNGC)

UN Global Compact

SK Materials supports, complies with, and spreads the four core values and ten principles of UNGC (United Nations Global Compact): human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. SK Materials officially joined the UNGC in February 2021 to declare its efforts and commitments to the public. SK Materials reports its activities to comply with the ten principles of UNGC in its Sustainability Report.

UN SDGs(UN Sustainable Development Goals, 유엔 지속가능발전목표)

UN SDGs Activity

The UN SDGs (UN Sustainable Development Goals) are common goals for the international community adopted at the 70th UN General Assembly and the UN Sustainable Development Summit in 2015. SK Materials identifies goals that are highly relevant to its business areas to actively participate in the achievement of the UN SDGs.

KCGS(한국기업지배구조원) ESG 평가

KCGS ESG Evaluations

ESG 평가 종합 A등급 We have established mid-to-long-term goals and implemented various activities related to each ESG sector, and consequently, we received a total rating of A (A in Environment, A+ in Social, A in Governance) in 2021 evaluations by KCGS (Korea Corporate Governance Service).

RE100(Renewable Energy 100%, 재생에너지 100%) 가입

RE100 Joining

SK Materials has joined RE100 (Renewable Energy 100%) as the first materials company in Korea, and committed to achieve Net-Zero by 2030 to clarify its commitment for the climate action.

CDP(Carbon Disclosure Project) 가입

CDP Disclosure

Since 2021, SK Materials has disclosed its information related to carbon emissions and climate actions through CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project). We received a Management B in 2021 CDP Climate Change.