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Human Rights

SK Materials established a human rights policy that employees must comply with, to prevent human rights violations of stakeholders in business relationships, such as employees and suppliers. In February 2021, SK Materials joined the UNGC and declared its compliance to ten principles of governing human rights, labor, etc.

Human Rights Policy

We support all standards and laws in the area of labor and human rights, and the related international organizations and bodies, including the Constitution of the Republic of Korea, the UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights), the UNGPs (UN Guiding Principles), the ILO (International Labour Organization), and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for responsible Business Conduct based on the human rights policy. Our goals are to play a key role in the social and economic development by creating values for the stake stakeholders, and to achieve our business goals, while complying with regulations and fulfilling social responsibilities to contribute to the happiness of all mankind.

Detailed Principles
  1. 1. Respect for Human Rights

    SK Materials shall respect all of its employees as equal beings and endeavor not to compromise human rights.

  2. 2. Working Environment and Safety

    SK Materials shall comply with international standards, relevant statutes, and internal regulations on the working environment to create a pleasant working environment and prevent safety accidents.

  3. 3. Prohibition of Forced Labor

    SK Materials shall respect employees’ free will against mental and physical restraint and shall not require the transfer of government issued identification cards, passports or work permits during the term of employment.

  4. 4. Prohibition of Child Labor

    SK Materials shall not employ children or adolescents under 15 years of age, shall not allow children or adolescents under 18 years of age to be engaged in dangerous or harmful work, and shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations on child labor in all regions in which we operate.

  5. 5. Working Hours Compliance

    SK Materials shall comply with working hours regulations of the regions in which we operate in terms of regular, overtime, and holiday work.

  6. 6. Wage and Welfare

    SK Materials shall pay more than the minimum wage prescribed in the regions in which we operate, along with the payroll statement.

  7. 7. Prohibition of Discrimination

    SK Materials shall respect the diversity of all employees, and ensure that discrimination based on factors such as gender, race, age, gender identity, religion, or social status does not occur in recruitment, wage, promotion, and other personnel processes.

  8. 8. Freedom of Association

    SK Materials shall guarantee freedom of association in accordance with labor relations laws and regulations on labor relations in the regions in which we operate. Employees shall not face unfair treatment shall not be applied on the grounds of membership or activities of trade unions.

  9. 9. Freedom of Expression

    SK Materials shall preserve the ones’ freedom of expression and opinion without intrusion, getting information freely from borders or media, pursuing idea and communication.

  10. 10. Personal Information Protection

    SK Materials shall protect the personal information of stakeholders in accordance with local laws and regulations to protect human rights of all stakeholders. We shall not use personal information for any purpose other than the reason for which it has been collected or without the consent of the person concerned.

SK Materials has set the roadmap for managing human rights risks of all stakeholders and implemented relevant activities accordingly. We are determined to conduct Human Rights Management through establishing a Human Rights Policy, implementing trainings and human rights risk assessments, and disclosing and expanding the impact of our activities.

Human Rights Management
    2021 Establishing human rights management system
  • Setting the key focus areas of human rights management based on the policy
    2023 Internalizing the human right management system
  • Establishing plans for human rights education / training to share the value of human rights management
  • Implementation of human rights impact assessment
    2025 Diffusion of human rights management culture
  • Disclosing the performance of human rights management and expanding the range of activitiess

Human Rights Management Activities

Human Rights Risk Management Process

SK Materials operates a human rights management process to prevent human rights violations of stakeholders during its management activities.

내·외부 평가/감사 → 개선필요사항 확인 → 개선필요사항 이행부서에 시정조치 요청 → 개선이행부서 개선계획수립 및 조치사항 검토 → 개선계획 경영진 보고 및 개선조치 이행

Human Rights Violation Prevention Program

SK Materials conducts theme-based regular education programs every year to prevent human rights violations.

  • Sexual Harassment Prevention

  • Education for Disability
    Awareness in the Workplace

  • Personal Information Protection

  • Workplace Harassment

Operation of “Happy Companion” Subsidiary-type Standardized Workplace


SK Materials operates the Happy Companion Co., Ltd., its subsidiary to provide stable jobs for employees with disabilities and to preserve the diversity of the entire company.

Happy Companion has been equipped with facilities for employees with disabilities including wheelchair ramps, accessible toilets, braille blocks, handicap parking spaces, etc., and acquired a certification for a subsidiary-type standardized workplace from Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities.

Happy Companion is managing the cleaning of indoors and outdoors of the company, in-company laundry services, and postal services. SK Materials endeavors not to limit the business scope of Happy Companion, and seeks to broaden areas of welfare support tasks where employees with disabilities can work and accomplish, and therefore increase the overall employment.

SK Materials aims to support economic independence of employees with disabilities and raise positive awareness towards them with the operation of Happy Companion, and continuously make an effort to build a happy place for employees with disabilities.

Employee Training

In order to build capacity of employees, SK Materials operates systematic education and training programs via diverse programs focusing on internal mobility. We are putting effort to create a culture of voluntary learning environment via “mySUNI,” SK Group's learning platform. Additionally, we are running education sessions regarding the importance of creating social values and happiness for the sustainable growth of employees of SK Materials, along with capacity-building activities such as AI/DT literacy education that are conducted to foster leaders of the era of Digital Transformation (DT). Employees participate in trainings based on skill development plans set ahead according to their tasks.

Employee Training System

Employee Training Program


SK Materials conducts leadership workshops by job positions and other leadership programs such as ELP (Executive Leadership Program), FLP (Future Leadership Program), and HLP (HIPO* Team Leader program) to improve employees’ leadership. Leadership training is offered to the executive and team leaders candidates, and for female candidates, we offer female leadership training to support and motivate them.

* HIPO: High Potential,

SK Values

For the sustainable growth of SK Materials and its employees, we provide new executives and team leaders with various training programs to improve their leadership and capacity. We also implement training programs for new employees to secure a sense of belonging to SK group and to promote understanding of SKMS*.

* SKMS: SK Management System

Job Competencies

SK Materials operates Mobile Academy to provide materials about SK group’s core values and self-development. We also provide flipped learning* about job functions and case studies/practices of each business area through Competency School as well as job competency training including basic education sessions on semiconductor industry and engineering and fostering programs targeted to field experts such as engineering professionals.

* Flipped Learning: a type of blended learning to acquire knowledge with online self-study, and to participate in discussion and practices at a lecture room

Global training

SK Materials provides language education to foster a global talent, and we implement Soft Landing program to build global competencies of the employees dispatched to overseas worksites.

Work-Life Balance of Employees

SK Materials operates systems and programs that can promote a better Work-Life Balance (WLB) of employees, with the ultimate management goal of “Employee Happiness.” We offer various programs such as Happiness 112 campaign with three goals (capacity building, work and life balance, and respect to others) to support all employees including contract and temporary workers.

SK Materials established mid to long-term roadmap to support work-life balance of employees. We are implementing various activities to settle down the WLB policy and culture among employees and ultimately maximize the happiness of employees.

Work and Life Balance of Employees
    2022 Establishment of WLB policy and culture
  • Support for 4 groups 2 shifts and biweekly Friday-off system, maintaining rates of telecommuting after COVID-19
  • Establishment of a base office close to the member's residence
  • Settlement of systems and cultures for refreshing vacation, recreation support, and psychological counseling center program support, etc.
  • * WLB(Work-Life Balance)
    2023 Settlement of WLB culture and monitoring results
  • Continuous operation of the system and expansion of the service program organizational unit
  • Expansion of program / workshop cycle
  • Expansion of occasional members'happiness measurement
    2025 Monitoring results of WLB program
  • Monitoring the outcome of WLB culture diffusion
    (improvement of employees' happiness up to 80 out of 100)